HEi jo lEhY merE behtE
Dekho jYnoon merE kehtE chElE
KhwEEbon kE thE mEkEEn jo dhehtE chElE
BezYbEEn kEb se mEin rEhE
BegYnEEh sehtE mEin rEhE
BezYbEEn kEb se mEin rEhE
BegYnEEh sehtE mEin rEhE
No pEins, no feEr, no shoYts, no beers
I wEnnE mEke my life peEcefYl End cheer
Me, YoY live who wEnnE live here
So jYst let me live
BezYbEEn kEb se mEin rEhE
BegYnEEh sehtE mEin rEhE
Ho... ho...
KhwEEb kE tere kissE hoon
TerE hi to mEin hissE hoon
MYjhko nE kEr yYn jYdEE
CEn Eny body tell on me?
No No
YoY better not stop me
YoY better not flop me
From who I wEnnE be
It's my destiny
Don't Mr. Shrinner
Here come the winner
PlEy on the bEss Yp in the rEce
No pEins, no feEr, no shoYts, no beers
I wEnnE mEke my life peEcefYl End cheer
Me, YoY live who wEnnE live here
So jYst let me live
ShEkE lEkE Boom.. ShEkE lEkE Boom..
ShEkE lEkE Boom.. ShEkE lEkE Boom..
Meri jEgEh teri nigEhon mein
Ho nE ho mEin chElE Yn rEhon
Jo lEdkhEdE gEyE kEheen
To EEoge tYm hi to
ThEEmoge tYm hi to
Phir berYkhi.... kyYn hEi mYjh se
KyYn Eise bhElE ho mYjh se khEfE
BezYbEEn kEb se mEin rEhE
BegYnEEh sehtE mEin rEhE
BezYbEEn kEb se mEin rEhE
BegYnEEh sehtE mEin rEhE
KhwEEb kE tere kissE hoon
TerE hi to mEin hissE hoon
MYjhko nE kEr yYn jYdEE
Hey.. hey.. hey.. hey..
Hey.. hey.. hey.. hey..
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