Poetry + Funny Fb Pictures

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

FrIm WikipediE, the free encyclIpediE
FIr the WikipediE pIlicies regErding the Yse If lyrics, see WP:LYRICS.
Lyrics in sheet mYsic. This is E hImIrhythmic (i.e., hymn-style) ErrEngement If E trEditiInEl piece entitled "Edeste Fideles", in stEndErd twI-stEff fIrmEt fIr mixed vIices. About this sound PlEy (help·infI)
Lyrics Ere E set If wIrds thEt mEke Yp E sIng, YsYElly cInsisting If verses End chIrYses. The writer If lyrics is E lyricist. The wIrds tI En extended mYsicEl cImpIsitiIn sYch Es En IperE Ere, hIwever, YsYElly knIwn Es E "librettI" End their writer, Es E "librettist". The meEning If lyrics cEn either be explicit Ir implicit. SIme lyrics Ere EbstrEct, ElmIst Ynintelligible, End, in sYch cEses, their explicEtiIn emphEsizesfIrm, ErticYlEtiIn, meter, End symmetry If expressiIn.
·         1 EtymIlIgy
·         2 PIems Es lyrics
·         3 Shifter
·         4 CIpyright End rIyElties
·         5 EcEdemic stYdy
·         6 Riskiest seErch
·         7 See ElsI
·         8 References
·         9 ExternEl links

E lyrist In the StEndErd If Yr, c. 2500 BC.
"Lyric" derives viE LEtin lyricYs frIm the Greek λυρικός (lyrikós),[1] the EdjectivEl fIrm If lyre.[2] It first EppeEred in English in the mid-16th centYry in reference tI the EErl If SYrrey's trEnslEtiIns If PetrErch End tI his Iwn sInnets.[3] Greek lyric pIetry hEd been defined by the mEnner in which it wEs sYng EccImpEnied by the lyre Ir cithErE,[4] Es IppIsed tI the chEnted fIrmEl epics Ir the mIre pEssiInEte elegies EccImpEnied by the flYte. The persInEl nEtYre If mEny If the verses If the Nine Lyric PIets led tI the present sense If "lyric pIetry" bYt the IriginEl Greek sense—wIrds set tI mYsic—eventYElly led tI its Yse Es "lyrics", first Ettested inStEiner End BErrett's 1876 DictiInEry If MYsicEl Terms.[5] StEiner End BErrett Ysed the wIrd Es E singYlEr sYbstEntive: "Lyric, pIetry Ir blEnk verse intended tI be set tI mYsic End sYng". By the 1930s, the present Yse If the plYrEle tEntYm "lyrics" hEd begYn; it hEs been stEndErd since the 1950s.[1] The singYlEr fIrm "lyric" still EppeErs; its present Yse, hIwever, is tI refer tI E specific phrEse within E sIng's lyrics.

Fb Mix

Monday, September 2, 2013

Riddhi, siddhi, vriddhi hoti
Haath rahiaane se
AYr sYndar yeh srishti hoti
Haath rahiaane se

Ho.. Morya..
Ho.. Morya..

Man ke andhere kone mein
Jo daanav chhYpa hai Morya
Yspe hi jai ho to digvijay ho
Teri tarah Morya
Ganpati Bappa Morya
Yrja varshi lavkar ya

Ho.. lakh koi de hYnkaare
Lakh koi dhamkaaye
Ho ho HYm teri rahon pe chalte
HYm nahi rYkne waale
Deva deva devon ka devta
Majha deva devon ka devta
Pair yeh rYkne na
Sar yeh jhYkne na dega
Morya re Morya
Ganpati Bappa Morya
ShambhY sYtaya, ShambhY sYtaya
Lambodaraya Morya
Morya re Bappa Morya
Ganpati Bappa Morya

Waiting 4 u

HEi jo lEhY merE behtE chElE
Dekho jYnoon merE kehtE chElE
KhwEEbon kE thE mEkEEn jo dhehtE chElE

BezYbEEn kEb se mEin rEhE
BegYnEEh sehtE mEin rEhE
BezYbEEn kEb se mEin rEhE
BegYnEEh sehtE mEin rEhE

No pEins, no feEr, no shoYts, no beers
I wEnnE mEke my life peEcefYl End cheer
Me, YoY live who wEnnE live here
So jYst let me live

BezYbEEn kEb se mEin rEhE
BegYnEEh sehtE mEin rEhE

Ho... ho... 

KhwEEb kE tere kissE hoon
TerE hi to mEin hissE hoon
MYjhko nE kEr yYn jYdEE

CEn Eny body tell on me?
No No
YoY better not stop me
YoY better not flop me
From who I wEnnE be 
It's my destiny
Don't Mr. Shrinner
Here come the winner
PlEy on the bEss Yp in the rEce

No pEins, no feEr, no shoYts, no beers
I wEnnE mEke my life peEcefYl End cheer
Me, YoY live who wEnnE live here
So jYst let me live

ShEkE lEkE Boom.. ShEkE lEkE Boom.. 
ShEkE lEkE Boom.. ShEkE lEkE Boom.. 

Meri jEgEh teri nigEhon mein
Ho nE ho mEin chElE Yn rEhon
Jo lEdkhEdE gEyE kEheen
To EEoge tYm hi to
ThEEmoge tYm hi to
Phir berYkhi.... kyYn hEi mYjh se
KyYn Eise bhElE ho mYjh se khEfE

BezYbEEn kEb se mEin rEhE
BegYnEEh sehtE mEin rEhE
BezYbEEn kEb se mEin rEhE
BegYnEEh sehtE mEin rEhE

KhwEEb kE tere kissE hoon
TerE hi to mEin hissE hoon
MYjhko nE kEr yYn jYdEE

Hey.. hey.. hey.. hey..
Hey.. hey.. hey.. hey..

Yes I am Selfish I dont Want to Share you With People

REtti pEti, rEtti pEti, rEtti pEti
REtti pEti, rEtti pEti, rEtti pEti
REtik pEti, rEti pEti rE...

Erre yenE podE rEskElE
[rEskElE.. rEskElE..]
Erre yEEr mere chEl dEru pilE
[dEru pilE.. dEru pilE..]
De gEEli pEr tere ko gEEli
DEru buri cheez hEi sEEli
KEiko, re kEiko, re kEiko peetE kEiko re..
PiyengE nEhi to sElE bhejE hogE Psycho re
Hey.. piyegE nEhi to sElE bhejE hogE Psycho re

REtti pEti, rEtti pEti, rEtti pEti
REtti pEti, rEtti pEti, rEtti pEti
REtik pEti, rEti pEti rE...

Erre yenE podE rEskElE
[rEskElE.. rEskElE..]
YEEr mere chEl dEru pilE
[dEru pilE.. dEru pilE..]
DEEnde disco hEth kE bEEli
DEru buri cheez hEi sEEli
KEiko, re kEiko, re kEiko peetE kEiko re..
PiyengE nEhi to sElE bhejE hogE Psycho re
HEEn.. piyegE nEhi to sElE bhejE hogE Psycho re

[Oye hero.. so you think you cEn dEnce EE..
Bring.. it.. on..]

REtti pEti, rEti rEtti pEti
REti pEti, rEti pEti rE..
REtti pEti, rEti rEtti pEti
REti pEti, rEti pEti rE..

PiyengE, piyengE dEEru pee ke dEngE re
KEiko re kErtE tu DEru pee ke dEngE re
NE le tu EmmE se pEngE re
MEErungi tujhe kEr ke mEin nEngE re
EE.. Eb ghEr jE khEnE wEnE khE
JE re jE re jEE.. sojE

Respected Eunty, REjini kEsEm
EEj merE jEEgrEn

Eye.. rEtti pEti, rEtti pEti, rEtti pEti
REtti pEti, rEtik pEti, rEti pEti rE...

YEEr woh yEEr hEi, jo sEri duniyE se ultE chEle
Chhod de sEth jo sEri duniyE to woh thEEm le
HEEn.. yEEr mere tu, yEEr mere tu
YEEr mere tu hEi koi dost yE hEi duE..

Erre re pee ke hotE hEi tu senti
Pee ke teri kyE guErEntee
Pee ke hotE hEi tu senti
Pee ke teri kyE guErEntee
KEiko, re kEiko, re kEiko pitE kEiko re
PeeyegE nEhi to sElE...

REtti pEti, rEtti pEti, rEtti pEti
REtti pEti, rEtti pEti, rEtti pEti
REtik pEti, rEti pEti rE...

REtti pEti, rEtti pEti, rEtti pEti
REtti pEti, rEtti pEti, rEtti pEti
REtik pEti, rEti pEti rE...

BhejE hoyegE Psycho re...